Joe Wisniewski — Providing In Person & Virtual Educational Leadership | ACADEMIC.EXPERT

Joe Wisniewski

Founder & CEO of The Academic Expert

Providing In Person & Virtual Educational Leadership

Joe Wisniewski is an academic expert, educational consultant and lifelong learner who builds a strong relationship with his students and is the best choice for you or your student’s tutoring and test prep needs.

Go to A Lifetime of Learning and subscribe to any of Joe’s channels to learn more about him!

More importantly, I have successful experience teaching students how to think, how to study, and how to learn. We all must break the cycle of students focusing on how much they can learn in order to prep for tests (and how to learn in general) and reinforce students being aware of how they are thinking. Students—and most of the current educational system—do not focus on understanding, but on how much they can learn.

As a parent, educator, or adult student, you are making life-impacting decisions when you choose an educational consultant. I want you to make a fully informed choice on this important investment—and know what is most important to us as well.

There are a growing number of options to supplement academic learning. I operate on a small number of well-defined core principles based on long-term growth and development including mastery, development of trusting relationships with my students, how to think, establishment of habits, and accountability.

Please read my Expectations document to get a very good feel for how I do what I do. It is of the utmost importance to understand my expectations of students and parents.

I have standards. I believe that students, and we humans in general, will only perform up to expectations we have of each ourselves.

No matter their age, I believe all students need to change habits to be successful—and our high expectations help them do so. I recognize the faith you, as a parent or student, are entrusting to me and I strive to consistently increase that trust.

I am a life-long learner and, hopefully, some of that rubs off on my students!


Building Trust

In any relationship, real connection ONLY happens where there is mutual trust and honesty. Trust between an educational mentor and their students must be developed over time. I am passionate about building relationships with my students so they will trust me and do what I ask. I also trust my clients to open up about what they need from me. Sometimes, my students need a hand up and, other times, they need a stern talk—you can trust me to supply what is needed. I have had moms crying to me over their concerns about their child and high school students in tears over letting their parents down. What I do is about connection. And, when a trusting relationship is developed and nurtured, change can occur and confidence can be developed.


High Expectations

Whether you or your child is my client, I have high expectations—and you should have high expectations of me. Otherwise, you can just hire a high school student to watch your student do their home work! High expectations are borne of the recognition that motivation is insufficient to drive change—habits must be changed. Make no mistake, I expect my clients to make changes. I hold my clients accountable. I will supply the tools, the listening ear, and the expertise. In short, I supply what is missing. I have high expectations of myself as you should as well. I am very good at what I do, but I can not ensure success of my clients. I am serious about, and teach my students, more than just classroom subjects—I teach our students to take ownership by having high expectations and teaching accountability.


Teaching Mastery

Regardless of our callings in life, the road to mastery is not an easy one to travel. In order to truly master material, one has to step out of their comfort area and confront areas of knowledge that are simply unknown. It takes a student having faith in themselves. It takes us having faith in the student and the student having faith in us. The road to mastery REQUIRES a thirst for knowledge above and beyond what is on the next test. That road requires much more than the “right answer.” It requires asking the question, “Why does it work that way? What if…?.” I do my very best work when my students step out and attack concepts that are “out of the box.” Every time my students start to do research in order to not only answer their questions, but to feed their need to ask more “Why?”questions…when they are determined to keep pace…when they learn new subject matter, I am reminded why I do what I do.

Joseph Wisniewski is a full-time mentor, technical trainer, educator, and highly qualified tutor, as well as a published technical author.

  • 30+ years as a developer, technical lead, manager and team trainer on large scale defense, avionics and private sector programs, as well as working with students 1-on-1 as a volunteer in a residential treatment facility
  • Private teacher and tutor focusing on STEM and overall technical teaching, training and tutoring since 2016
  • Published technical author and conference presenter (including at US Air Force Academy)
  • Worked with 250+ students since 2017 in private or group tutoring
  • As a result of his ability to build a strong relationship with students, most continue working with Joe for multiple years

I have worked with students and youth my entire professional life, currently with high school and university students in a wide range and scope of STEM subject matter.

Although I guide my students in a multitude of subjects, math (from basic algebra to calculus), science (physics and chemistry) and engineering have always been my prime academic interests.

My focus is on providing educational mentorship and test prep assistance (AP, GED, GRE, SAT, ACT and LSAT)to students in one-on-one and group settings, both in person and remotely across the country.

Mathematics and hard science have always been my passion. One of the key opportunities in my life occurred when hIe was in 4th grade in a parochial school.

There were not enough students to populate both the 4th and 5th grade, so the classes were combined. I think being able to listen in and then do the 5th grade work afforded me an opportunity to be a bit more challenged. And, I loved it!

My high school curriculum at Cleveland St. Joseph was challenging. The teachers were exemplary. I completed most of his calculus while still in high school. Being passionate about self improvement, I also embarked on a “path of challenge and passion” when I moved from Latin to Russian. I continues to speak Russian to this day.

I was also in a very challenging honors Physics program and am indebted to the efforts of Mr. Yirka, Mr. Robertson and Father Reich as my teachers in these subjects. In fact, I am still in touch with a number of my high school mathematics peers. One commented to me concerning his working with students now in Calculus…

“Joe, Mr. Robertson (now deceased) is really proud of you.” Hearing these words meant a lot to me.

I went to the University of Dayton and Cleveland State University for my undergrad work. I struggled in my junior year at Dayton. I was placed in the Sophomore Honors program as a not-yet-18 year old freshman. Not being in my natural peer group became extraordinarily challenging.

This is a reason why I am able to relate to strong students who struggle. I have been there.

While at University of Dayton, I also worked with emotionally challenged young people in a residential treatment center—first as a volunteer, then later in full-time employment. Working with youth is in my blood. I still offer tutoring scholarships when I feel there is a need for a special student in special circumstances.

In my undergrad program, I excelled in calculus, differential equations, advanced calculus and related topics. This interest in higher mathematics spurred my interest in his graduate curriculum (at USC), including electromagnetics, wave theory, optics, and antenna design. I tutors in these subjects as well. In fact, I had the opportunity to choose Computer Engineering as my grad field, but was bored with a college graduate degree that doubled up as to what I was doing in my profession at that time.

I decided on a master’s degree in electrical engineering, specializing in optics and electromagnetics, without having had any undergrad work in electricity. I spent a 1-1/2 years working on those prerequisites before entering my graduate program.

Early on in my professional career, I worked as a software engineer and technical lead on numerous defense and avionics programs, including the Boeing 777 for Honeywell, the Joint Stars program, numerous other commercial aircraft and Air Traffic Control and other classified programs in Southern California.

Above and beyond the educational leadership and academic guidance I provide, my priorities are instilling confidence emanating from self-earned mastery of topics. I teach students how to research and how to learn and study and feels that in many ways, the priority of academic excellence and mastery has fallen by the wayside. Too many students have capabilities that are not nurtured or developed, so I help students help themselves by teaching, training, communicating expectations and demanding consistent effort and practice.

Modes of education are changing at break-neck speed. An increasing number of students in secondary and post-secondary education programs use “online” forms of education. Most of these classes do not have face-to-face teaching experiences. Many do not have books or adequate “learning materials.” This migration appears to be a contributor (along with other causes) to a decrease in performance, as well as decreases in overall mastery of subject material.

Tutoring, training and other forms of “additional education support” must reach far beyond topical reinforcement. I am well-respected, not only for my academic credentials and ability to break through learning barriers that students have, but for teaching students how to function in this changing world of education, which is now primarily dependent on students owning their own outcomes based on mastery while concurrently functioning in schools where the educational bar is often being lowered.

Successful students still must acquire mastery, but they are going to have to do more on their own than students, in general, have had to do in the past.

Here are my life-long mentors:

Dr. Kenneth Schraut

Tim Robertson

Sister Joseph Marie

Dr. Kenneth Schraut was my freshman year advisor in Mathematics at the University of Dayton. He was a true mentor, who believed in me even when things were darkest. My only regret is that he wasn’t around long enough for him to see his impacts on me. He taught me how to believe in my students.

Mr. Robertson taught me to think. I owe him everything for that and also for believing in me.

Sister Joseph Marie (Margaret Petcavage) was my Principal and 8th grade teacher at Our Lady of Perpetual Help grade school in Cleveland, Ohio. I graduated in 1968.

I always admired her for many reasons. She had high standards and high expectations of us. She treated me well and took a true liking and interest in my academic development and development as an individual.

She challenged me resulting in my advancement into challenging subject matter in high school and beyond.

I remember that she was fair and treated us all with respect. Perhaps what I now am so appreciative for is the amount of work she put in. Every subject was prepared for us and researched. She set the standard for what quality education was, without sacrificing anything in terms of time or relationships with the students and the parents. #grateful #thankful

Some of Joe’s Favorite Students…


I’m Here To Help You and/or Your Student!

Through a Trusting Relationship, Studying, Preparation & Mastery