In Person & Remote Tutoring
Today’s undecided learning approaches create a need for experienced, broad-based in person and remote tutors.
We offer in person academic tutoring—either one-on-one or group sessions—as well as remote tutoring (depending on the subject matter).
We place a high value on our one-on-one interactions regardless of the modality. Check out our Testimonials Page.
The personal relationship that we develop with our students is of paramount importance.
Equally important is that you, as a parent or potential client get to know me.
Click on the About Us page and especially visit the “Whole Story” link.
As a result of expanding technology, and the repercussions of Covid19, remote tutoring is growing in popularity.
Many universities, for example, have and will continue to have and support online-only classes. Students need to not only become accustomed to this approach, but must also need to learn to thrive in it.
However, technology alone is never a guarantor of success. It is crucial that the remote delivery of the tutoring services satisfy the needs of the student as is accomplished with in-person services. And it is.
Our remote tutoring solution only requires the student to have an adequate internet connection that will support audio and video interaction and a laptop/desktop with current and up-to-date software and hardware.
We primarily conduct Facetime/Google/Zoom tutoring sessions where the tutor uses drawing pad software and hardware to interact visually with the student so the student can see the solutions as they are being worked on together. Interested students have the option of receiving these digital drawings for future reference.
If students are working on online products for homework, it is very easy for them to share that, in real-time with us and we share our white board activities with the student(s).
In addition, I actively use Google Classrooms for two-way document sharing, as in when the student is working “on paper”.
Many students have gone through poorly implemented remote solutions during the Covid shutdowns. The number one root problem with poorly implemented online solutions is that the students’ interest is not kept. It is up to the student to stay interested. It is up to the teacher and curriculum to keep that interest.
We do online the right way.
The other element of “doing it right” means teaching via the “Socratic Method”. In our opinion this is the answer to “how do we teach our students to learn.” Watch this clip from the Academy Award winning film, the “Paper Chase”.
A Systematized & Individualized Approach

We have a tutoring system in place that combines our decades of experience while taking the individual student into consideration.
- In Person Subject Matter Tutoring — One-on-one or in a group (typically maxed at 2 or 3 students)
- Remote Tutoring — We use Facetime or Zoom, OneNote, and a Drawing Pad to work with students remotely
- Specializing in STEM — We are especially qualified to tutor students in Calculus, Linear Algebra, Antenna Theory, Advanced Calculus, ACalc, Statics, Dynamics, and Modern Physics.
- Structured Mentor Support — Relationships are at the core of what we do, so we mentor every one of our students.
- Assessment — We assess each student to determine the underlying issue/s (i.e., a lack of retention, summer slide, poor study habits, personal organization, homework approach, poor test taker, their lack of academic confidence), as well as the student’s desire to improve.
- Cover the Basics — We ensure that our tutoring students are grounded in the basics so they are empowered to conquer the next levels.
- Teach with Creativity in Mind — A student can’t learn creativity if they are not taught creativity.
- Structured Recovery Support — We pinpoint the weaknesses in order to help those students who have fallen behind and develop a solid recovery plan of action that WILL require changes in the student’s behavior.
- Podcasts — We periodically run some podcasts on a given topic.
This list is a conceptual overview of “what we do,” please visit the other tabs on this page and, especially, the Academic Test Prep Services page:
Truly effective tutors understand that the student-tutor relationship is unlike any other—and effective tutoring MUST be mentor-based.
The tutor is first and foremost a teacher who is well-versed across multiple disciplines in order to teach the relevance and inter-relationships of the subjects being taught. If necessary, the tutor must be prepared to teach approaches for success that are life-based, as well as academic focused.
The tutor is NEVER there to show how much he or she knows. An effective tutor listens. We must always have patience. Our students have lives that are apart from us. However, the real growth in the relationship occurs when we make that connection to share ourselves with each other.
This is a relationship not unlike any other relationship that needs nurturing.
Head Tutor, Joe Wisniewski, has worked with over 400 students one-on-one. Success is a winding road. We are proud of the relationships that we have built with our students, many of which exist far beyond the time that we are working with them.
He has also run group training sessions for SAT and ACT prep. He had run engineering lunch-time brown bag seminars as an engineer.
The measures of effectiveness that means the most to Joe is how long most of his students stick with him. Sibling referrals are very common as are how “my moms” are my most ardent supporters and source of referrals.
Ultimately, it is the smiles on the faces of the students when they are comfortable, and make those “baby step” progressions that makes this all worthwhile.
We encourage you to visit the About Us page to learn who Joe is, what he does, and how he does it.
“My student is behind.”
Well, you are not alone. We hear this often and is a common issue that we help our students resolve.
The most common reasons that students need help with academic recovery are “summer slide,” poor study skills, a lack of retention, a lack of academic confidence, and poor test taking skills.
We hesitate to even mention “summer slide,” because this problem is much more prevalent than just a summer phenomenon. While in fact, time passing between the school semesters does affect lack of retention, this lack of retention is unfortunately prevalent even from day to day.
Most schools are not equipped to deal with students who are falling behind. These students need to be assessed and require very specific plans and implementation vehicles to get them back on track.
We can not replace the students’ schools. We can not, overnight, “recover” a student who is behind by multiple years. Students who are that far behind, and I see this every day have multiple issues to address; more than likely. After all we are with your student for a limited amount of time every week.
We provide a wide variety of options to attempt to address the student’s specific situation. A plan to address a student who has been falling behind for years will likely be different for a student who has been struggling for a few months.
Some of the contributing causes are likely one or more of the following:
- lack of study skills
- inability, or by choice, being inattentive in class
- non-productive habits
- lack of personal organization
- inability to prioritize
- …and more
We can and do work with students to address these issues. However, most of these changes must be addressed in the home and in the classroom, which for the most part, is out of our scope of control.
Change is HARD. With pre-adult students, strong parental involvement is required. It is never a quick process and most often requires substantive changes to the student’s outlook, study habits, and habits in general.
Assisting students in this kind of situation can be difficult for all concerned, while at the same time very rewarding. We don’t give up on our students! The proof of this is in our student and parent reviews.
However, again to be clear, the student must understand that they own their outcomes; irrespective of the intervening reasons.
Call us and we can discuss your situation.
Assisting students in this kind of situation can be difficult for all concerned, while at the same time very rewarding. We don’t give up on our students! The proof of this is in our student and parent reviews.
AP (Advanced Placement) support for AP classes and the AP test is a pillar of our tutoring efforts.
We can do our AP tutoring in person, remotely or in groups. I highly recommend that AP students learn to study in groups. AP is akin, on an academic level to what the students will experience in college.
Good, strong collaborative group study is essential for most students who want to succeed academically.
We believe in helping student to do their best and to “learn to do hard things”.
For a detailed discussion of how we support AP, what classes we support, and what to expect, visit our AP discussion on the Services/Test Prep page.